First Social network
for travelers

Revolutionary App

Mission To revolutionise travel

App Features

The New Map Mode

Convenient Search Bar

Unique two-level multi filter system

Cities and monuments

Two types of search results are possible: cities & onsite

Photos, reviews and ratings

Photos , reviews and ratings help the users check the experience of others users in a particular site or share his/her own:

The user can explore the photo gallery in the information block, examine the photos of other users, or add their own if they pass moderation.

The user can read reviews of other users, as well as leave his own review and rate the attraction, or filter reviews by relevance or rate

Text and Audio

The user can user our application not only to plan a trip, but also directly while visiting sites:

Personalised Profile

User profile settings are separated and combined and combined in such a way that it is easy to implement the social network features into the app:

The explore mode

Explorer mode is one of our key feature, helping the user select a ready-made routs in the desired
city on the desired topic, curating the best places to visit:

Smart watch

Our goal is to make the travel experience not only educational and interesting, but also truly comfortable. That’s why we’ve developed a number of smartwatch integrations:

Social Network

We see our app as a platform for people who love traveling and exploring. We want them to able to communicate with each other and securely store their research results. that’s why we’re emphasizing:


Our users are curious and active people and we also have additional way to engage them in app activity.

Team behind this

Alexis Gresoviac

CEO and Co-founder

Managing director at

SVP Advisor

Head of International

Ilia Vikolainen

CTO and Co-founder

Lead Unity3D Client Developer

Technical Director
